used Dutch equipment to Shanghai Yangshan Port

customer situation: the customer is the second-hand equipment auctioned from the Netherlands, and the people connected with the auction house in the Netherlands are not very familiar with the import process of Dutch delivery and Dutch inspection, and do not know how to start arranging the import of equipment.


Service content: China Inspection, foreign exchange payment,Hollandpick-up, international transportation, customs clearance and commodity inspection and transfer, etc.


solution: assist customers to connect with foreign countries and arrange import customs clearance in the whole process. customers can save worry and effort in the whole import process until the trade is completed.

Import Consultant: Director Chen

20 years of import service experience, good at importing second-hand equipment, chemicals, cosmetics and medical consumables.

consultation program

imports large quantities of chemical raw materials from coastal ports

Customer Situation: Customers need to import a large amount of chemical raw materials from coastal ports and sell them in China after processing. However, different ports are connected to different customs declaration banks, and the service level is uneven, resulting in cumbersome connection between logistics and customs declaration banks at various ports.


service advantages: it can provide import from national ports, and the eight major coastal ports in the country have branches.


Service: It completely helps customers to liberate from the logistics department, which not only reduces communication costs and improves work efficiency, but also greatly reduces logistics costs for enterprises. Customers recognize our model and service efficiency very much.

Import Consultant: Director Yu

23 years of import service experience, good at importing chemicals, dangerous goods, medicines, health products and aquatic products.

Hong Kong Imports a Batch of Cosmetics

customer situation: customers have a batch of cosmetics that need to be imported in hong kong. four names, three have expired and one has expired immediately. for special reasons, the certificate of origin cannot be issued. moreover, a series of problems imported in the middle need to be solved by us.


service content: help customers handle import matters such as door-to-door pick-up, sea transportation, customs clearance, etc.


solution: according to the customer's needs, we have formulated a complete set of solutions, including certificate of origin, delivery of goods and other issues. the customer is very satisfied with the solutions we have given and the import time limit. after checking the goods in the hong kong warehouse, we will immediately hand them over to us for operation.

Import Consultant: Director Liu

17 years of import service experience, he is good at importing cosmetics, wood, food, fast food and scientific research vehicles.




顾问联系时间:上午9:00 — 下午18:00(周一至周六)





Telephone/WeChat Communication Initial Requirements-Matching Better Professional Consultants-Communication Adjustment of Import and Export Plans

Contract Signing-Program Implementation-Customer Receipt

Import Customs Clearance Agency Service Process

serving customers

17 years


provides import trade services to global customers more

the door-to-door import customs clearance agency service has been recognized by the world's top 500 enterprises for a long time. You can rest assured to accept the service in the import.

Air Transport Import Door to Door

as low31 yuan/kg

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we believe that the enterprise demand with the greatest common divisor is:

invest the least manpower, spend the least money and complete the import trade in the shortest time.

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    美国旧设备进口清关代理,推荐我司进贸通,成立于2004年,有20年二手旧设备进口报关经验,全国10家分公司,在上海总部、广州、深圳、北京、宁波、武汉、青岛、天津、大连、昆山等多个港口城市都有分公司,武汉分公司地址:湖北省武汉市硚口区解放大道626号K11 ATELIER写字楼15层1510。进贸通,熟悉武汉进口美国旧设备报关资料。如需获取工厂设备搬迁运输及清关费用,欢迎在线联系客服或拨打免费电话400-107-2816。

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Guangzhou head office
Shenzhen Branch
Ningbo Branch
Wuhan Branch
Shanghai Branch
Kunshan branch
Qingdao Branch
Tianjin Branch
Dalian Branch
Beijing Branch

Customs AEO advanced certification

10 branches nationwide

covers major port cities in the country, and all ports are networked to optimize the import plan, so as to better realize your different needs and allow you to "get goods" quickly ".

Consult Us Online
    • 客服电话

    • 13360579287
    • 服务时间

    • 周一至周五 9:00-18:00
    • 扫码加微信获取报价

Certificate - Company qualification


Import Ranking

Case Of Goods Import Declaration Agency


ServiceTelephone: 400-107-2816

For import declaration, you can formulate a more suitable import scheme according to product characteristics and port customs policies!

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Customs AEO advanced certification

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130,000 customer cases to ensure the safety and efficiency of service quality.

(National Service Hotline: 400-107-2816)

, including food, wine, grain and oil, dairy products, additives, cleaning products,

daily necessities,cosmetics,equipment, excavators, production lines, semiconductors, daily chemicals, seafood, meat, fruits, wood products, hazardous chemicals,

paint,rubber,pet food, stone, plastic and other customers provide saferand efficient professional import programs.

500 Senior Consultant Linkage Service

(National ServiceTelephone: 400-107-2816)

import and trade general talents integrate resources to create value for customers. To provide professional "international supply chain management outsourcing" services for enterprises, determined to become the global door-to-door import customs clearance agency service authority.

Zhang Jiajia

Daily Chemical Products Division

Qi Hengshan

New and Old Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Division

Zhang Youwu

Food and Beverage Division

Liu Hongfei

Chemical Products Division


Plastics and Rubber Division

Ai Ri

Integrated Products Division